
Arsenio and Jahna Roddy-Little founded Freely Given in 2021. They both have witnessed God take their adversities and work them out for their good. This fuels their faith and commitment to the leading of the Holy Spirit. With Freely Given they are answering God’s call to use their gifts to bless others, share the gospel, and to be conduits of love to their community. 

Arsenio’s Story

Arsenio grew up in Los Angeles, CA in the height of the crack epidemic. He struggled in school academically and behaviorally. Despite his challenges Arsenio managed to graduate from high school and joined the military shortly thereafter serving his country post September 11th. He served in both Operation Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and upon his return to the states was stationed in Bremerton, WA. Using the GI Bill, Arsenio was able to attend and graduate from Western Washington University with a degree in Business Management. He has taken courses in pastoral counseling, and leadership development, and is currently enrolled in a non-profit leadership program. He has a passion for service and has spent many years volunteering for various non-profit organizations.

 Arsenio accepted Christ into his life when he was 12 years old at Holy Trinity A.M.E. church in Long Beach, CA. His love for Christ and his heart for servanthood was cultivated in the church community through young adult bible studies, mentoring, men’s breakfasts, evening revivals, and through witnessing the fruits of those around him as they were ideal examples of how one should love the Lord and serve others. His faith in Christ has been instrumental in his life providing a pathway to escape addictions, manage anxiety and depression, and reestablish broken relationships.   

 Arsenio believes his purpose is to love his neighbors and make a positive difference in their lives by meeting them where they are at, initiating organic conversations, and offering to meet a need while exhibiting the love of Christ. What motivates him is his obedience to Christ and his innate desire to serve people. He is moved by 1 Peter 4:10 which states “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms''. Freely Given is his way of being a faithful steward of God’s grace.

Jahna’s Story

 Jahna grew up in the Seattle area. Jahna graduated from the University of Washington with a master’s degree in social work. She spent several years working for the state of Washington as a social worker with youth and families involved in the foster care system as well as with youth in King County’s juvenile detention center. She has volunteered with her family’s nonprofit for over 20 years, as well as with other Seattle non-profits.

 Jahna accepted Christ into her life at 8 years old. She grew up in the church and participated in various youth groups, programs, and camps that helped cultivate her faith. Throughout her life she has personally experienced the healing power of the Holy Spirit and seen the difference that a life walked in relationship with Jesus Christ makes in one’s ability to overcome anything. Her faith has helped her navigate single motherhood, intimate partner violence, mental health struggles, chronic illness, and medical crisis. She is eager to introduce others to the transformative power of Christ’s love and grace.